Our Foundation
The Gateway Medical Foundation is a non-profit, 501 3 (c) organization. We function as the fundraising arm of the Sedgwick County Health Center. The Foundation is made up of eight (8) board members who meet at noon every 3rd Monday of the month to plan and organize community events that will assist the health center in making equipment purchases, upgrades to the campus and to add to our scholarship fund. Annual events include our 4-person scramble golf tournament held each summer, and our fall ball Halloween-themed fundraiser which is held every other October at the Sedgwick County Fairgrounds.
New for 2025 is a 5k fun run/walk that will begin and end at the Sedgwick County Health Center campus on Cedar Street. This event is slated to take place in October each year.
Your donations are tax deductable, and any and all amounts of giving are greatly appreciated!
If you have any questions about events or giving, please email: mdaugherty@schealth.org
Please watch for our 2024 Year-End Giving Letter in your mailbox this November. Projects that your donations will help fund are:
Physician Recruitment (we will match your contributions up to $20,000).
The health center is also in need of help with the purchase of a Steam Range for our Dietary Department.
We thank you in advance for your consideration to contribute to these projects!

2024-2025 Gateway Medical Foundation Board Members:
Lori Ehmke – President
Mike Benson – Treasurer
Brian Lanckriet
Kim Zion
Linda Pitzer
Ashley Baker
Tasha Harris
Dee Daugherty
Aidan Hettler – CEO Sedgwick County Health Center
Brad Ehmke – Recorder